A Guide To Hostel Etiquette - What To Do and What Not To Do?


Posted on: Oct 02, 2024


Welcome to the wild world of hostel living! Whether you’re a seasoned backpacker or a first-time traveler, hostels are a melting pot of personalities, cultures, and sleep schedules. It’s communal living at its finest – or sometimes, at its most chaotic. In such close quarters, the difference between making lifelong friends and being that person comes down to hostel etiquette.

Picture this: you’ve just arrived at Ashray Living, a bustling hostel that promises cozy dorm rooms, vibrant common areas, and late-night chats over chai. But it’s not just about where you crash – it’s how you blend into this shared ecosystem. From bunk bed diplomacy to midnight shower strategy, the unwritten rules of hostel life can make or break your experience.

Are you a respectful roomie who knows how to pack quietly at 5 a.m., or will your zip-lock bags of snacks annoy everyone? Do you clean up your kitchen mess, or leave behind a trail of mystery crumbs? Master the art of hostel etiquette, and you’ll be golden. Ignore it, and you might find yourself the subject of a few eye rolls – or worse, missing out on new friendships.

Hostels like Ashray Living are vibrant hubs for travelers, offering an exciting mix of personalities in a shared space. However, hostel life comes with its own set of unspoken rules to ensure harmony. Here’s a quirky yet factual guide to help you navigate the highs and lows of hostel living.


Do's and Don'ts For Your Hostel Etiquettes



1. Do Pack a Power Strip

  • Hostel rooms often have limited outlets. Bring a small power strip so you and your fellow travelers can charge devices without fighting over outlets. Bonus: you’ll instantly be the most popular person in the dorm when your bunkmates are running low on battery.

2. Do Respect “Lights Out” Time

  • If the dorm room is dark, don’t be the one flicking on overhead lights. Use a flashlight or your phone screen to navigate the room without waking everyone up – a headlamp works wonders for late-night bathroom runs.

3. Do Make Friends, But Respect Alone Time

  • Hostels are social hubs, but not everyone is always in the mood for small talk. If someone’s wearing headphones or curled up with a book, they might not want to chat – and that’s okay.

4. Do Your Laundry During Off-Peak Hours

  • Everyone needs clean clothes, but doing laundry at 7 p.m. when everyone else is trying to do theirs? Bad move! Use the washing machines in quieter times – mornings or late at night – to avoid the laundry queue.

5. Do Be Mindful of “Drying Rack Wars”

  • Towel drying is a crucial part of hostel life, especially at Ashray Living where outdoor spaces are limited. Keep your towel to your designated rack or drying area, and don’t let it creep into someone else’s spot. No one likes soggy towel disputes.

6. Do Use a Locker, but Not as a Weapon

  • Yes, secure your belongings, but don’t be the person noisily rummaging through metal lockers at 2 a.m. Make sure your nighttime essentials are out of the locker before bed to avoid becoming the dorm room menace.

7. Do Be a Kitchen Samurai

  • Hostel kitchens are high-traffic zones. Be swift, efficient, and clean. If there’s a line of people waiting, don’t prepare a seven-course meal. Stick to something simple and tasty that doesn’t leave a mess – quick noodles, anyone?

8. Do Share Travel Tips

  • Everyone at the hostel is looking for the next adventure. If you’ve just returned from an epic waterfall hike or found a hidden café in town, share your experiences. The common areas at Ashray Living are perfect for swapping stories and recommendations.

9. Do Label Your Food

  • Everyone’s been there – "fridge amnesia" happens, and without labels, you’ll inevitably forget which yogurt is yours. Label your food clearly to avoid awkward accusations or worse – stolen snacks.

10. Do Be Friendly to Hostel Staff

  • The people working at hostels like Ashray Living are often travelers themselves or locals who know the best insider tips. A kind word or smile can go a long way, and they might even help you score a secret discount or book an unforgettable local experience.

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1. Don’t Be a Shower Squatter

  • Yes, we all love a good, hot shower after a day of exploring. But if there’s a line for the bathroom, keep it short. No one wants to wait while you recreate a spa day in a tiny shower stall.

2. Don’t Cook Smelly Foods

  • We get it – you love that pungent garlic fish stew or spicy curry. But in the close confines of a hostel, smells linger, and not everyone will be a fan. Stick to neutral-smelling meals when cooking in the shared kitchen, or take your bold flavors outside.

3. Don’t Leave Your Alarm on Snooze

  • We’ve all met that person – the one whose alarm goes off 10 times while they blissfully sleep through it. If you’re an early riser, set your alarm but be prompt in turning it off to avoid a room full of irritated travelers.

4. Don’t Start a Midnight Conversation

  • Sure, hostels are social, but late-night chatter in a dorm is a fast way to make enemies. If you’ve got a burning need to discuss travel plans at 1 a.m., take it to the common area, not the shared sleeping space.

5. Don’t Invite “Surprise Guests”

  • The more the merrier – except when it comes to sneaking extra people into the dorm. Hostels operate on guest counts for a reason. Whether it’s your new bestie or an impromptu sleepover, avoid sneaking in unregistered guests to keep the balance intact.

6. Don’t Turn the Dorm Into a Laundry Room

  • Yes, hostels often lack space for hanging clothes, but the solution isn’t turning the dorm into a jungle of drying socks. Use the designated drying areas at Ashray Living, and avoid turning bunk beds into makeshift clotheslines.

7. Don’t Blast Your Music Without Headphones

  • Your playlist might be pure fire, but not everyone shares your taste in music. Always use headphones in dorm rooms and common areas to keep the peace.

8. Don’t Steal the WiFi

  • At some hostels, WiFi comes with a price or a limited connection. Don’t hog the bandwidth by streaming movies in the middle of the day. Be courteous and leave the signal strong for those using it for quick tasks or booking the next leg of their journey.

9. Don’t Overstay Your Shower Time

  • Hot water is a precious commodity. Whether you're at Ashray Living or another hostel, don’t monopolize the bathroom. Be respectful of others waiting, and keep your shower routine efficient.

10. Don’t Forget Your Hostel Manners

  • From cleaning up after yourself to saying a friendly "hello" to fellow travelers, a little politeness goes a long way. Remember, everyone’s in the same boat, and good vibes are contagious.

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Hostel Etiquette Tips


1. Be mindful of noise

  • Hostels are shared spaces with people on different schedules. Some may be resting after long travel days, while others may be up early for sightseeing. Keep conversations at a low volume and avoid loud noises, especially in dorm rooms. Use headphones, avoid shouting, and be extra cautious when returning late at night.

2. Prepare for early departures

  • If you need to catch an early bus or flight, pack your bags the night before so you're not fumbling around in the dark when others are sleeping. Zipping and unzipping bags, plastic bags, and packing cubes can be noisy. Keep your essentials out so you can grab them quickly in the morning without disturbing anyone.

3. Use headphones

  • While you may want to listen to music or catch up on a TV show, shared spaces aren’t the best place for loud sounds. Always use headphones when listening to music, watching videos, or making calls. It’s a small gesture that shows respect for the peace of others in both dorms and common areas.

4. Clean up after yourself

  • Hostel kitchens and common areas are meant for everyone. After cooking or eating, clean your dishes, wipe down counters, and put things back where they belong. In common areas, avoid leaving behind trash or personal items. This helps maintain a pleasant environment for the next person using the space.

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5. Respect bathroom time

  • Bathrooms can be in high demand, especially in the mornings or evenings. Be considerate of other guests by keeping your shower time short, especially in hostels with limited facilities. If you need extra time for grooming, try to use the bathroom during off-peak hours. Leave the bathroom clean and dry for the next person.

6. Label your food

  • Shared fridges can get crowded, and it’s easy for food to get mixed up. Always label your items with your name and the date to avoid accidental food theft. This prevents awkward situations and helps ensure that everyone has their own designated items. Plus, it’s just good fridge manners.

7. Lock up your belongings

  • Hostels provide lockers or lockboxes for a reason. Use them to store valuables like passports, electronics, and money. Keeping your area tidy and securing your belongings prevents theft and maintains a neat shared space, helping you and your roommates feel more secure.

8. Socialize in common areas

  • While hostels are social places, the dorm room should remain a quiet retreat for sleep. If you want to chat, meet new people, or play games, head to the common areas or lounges, which are designed for socializing. This way, people who need rest can enjoy the dorm, while others can interact without disturbing anyone.

9. Be open to meeting new people

  • Hostels are known for their communal atmosphere. Don’t be shy—engage in conversation with fellow travelers in common areas, at breakfast, or during group activities. Ask about their travel experiences, share tips, and exchange stories. These interactions can lead to friendships, travel partners, or simply great memories.

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10. Share travel tips

  • Travelers at hostels are always on the lookout for good recommendations. If you’ve found a great café, a hidden beach, or an affordable tour, share your tips with others. Helping fellow travelers discover new things not only adds to the hostel’s communal vibe but can also spark fun conversations and connections.

11. Follow hostel rules

  • Each hostel has its own set of rules, such as quiet hours, alcohol policies, or curfews. Respect these guidelines to keep things running smoothly and avoid conflicts with other guests or staff. Following the rules ensures that everyone has an enjoyable stay, and it shows respect for the hotel's management and other guests.

12. Be courteous to staff

  • Hostel staff work hard to keep things clean, organized, and fun for guests. Being friendly, polite, and patient with staff goes a long way. They are also great resources for local tips, activity suggestions, and insider knowledge. Building a rapport with staff can make your stay more enjoyable and may lead to helpful perks.

13. Conserve resources

  • Hostels are often eco-conscious, so be mindful of your water, electricity, and WiFi usage. Turn off lights and fans when you leave the room, and don’t spend unnecessary hours online, especially if the WiFi bandwidth is shared. Conserving resources helps keep costs low and supports the hostel’s sustainability efforts.

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14. Keep your space tidy

  • Your dorm bed is your personal space, but keeping it clean and organized affects your roommates too. Avoid spreading your belongings across the room or on other bunks. Keeping your things tidy not only respects others' space but also makes it easier for you to find what you need. Plus, a neat room creates a more comfortable and pleasant environment for everyone.


Hostel life is like joining a temporary tribe of adventurers, each with their own story and a shared love for discovery. It’s a quirky mix of high-energy conversations in common rooms, quiet moments in dorms, and kitchen chaos that somehow leads to lifelong friendships. By mastering hostel etiquette, you become the hero of this nomadic universe—one who’s loved for their ability to keep the peace and charm others with thoughtful acts like sharing travel tips or offering a spare outlet.

Remember, hostels are more than just budget beds; they’re microcosms of shared humanity. Whether it’s keeping your showers short or saving someone’s food from an accidental fridge raid, every little action adds to the hostel harmony. So, slip on your traveler hat, pop in your headphones, and respect the delicate balance of socializing and solitude. Trust me, the next time you’re at Ashray Living or any hostel, your impeccable manners and good vibes will make you the person everyone remembers with a smile—and not just for the fact that you didn’t leave your wet socks on their bed.

Hostel living is an adventure, and with these etiquette tips, you're more than ready to ride the wave of communal living like a pro.

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